Birthday Extravaganza

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Took a half-day on Thursday for my birthday, and went to the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Currently there's a Henry Moore exhibit going on, so there were lots of sculptures to see. It got fairly warm, so I sat on a bench and sketched for a bit.

On Saturday, M took me to the Storm King Art Center in Mountainville, NY. We had a picnic lunch before riding the tram around the 500-acre outdoor sculpture museum (and yes, once again saw several Henry Moore works).

Then we headed to another surprise destination: Mohonk Mountain House, in New Paltz, NY.
Sketched this while M rowed us around the lake in an old-school wooden rowboat. Felt very "Brideshead Revisited" indeed (coincidentally we'd gone to see the movie Friday evening). We then hiked up the Sky Top path to the lookout tower.

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  1. Suma - is this all your artwork? It's amazing - I love the mood and feel you capture. Me? I draw a picture, stick figure no less, of Spiderman for my two-year-old who looks at it, shakes his head and says, "I don't know what that is, but that is NOT Spiderman."
