Fall Football: U Penn vs. Franklin Pierce
Sunday, October 21, 2012Longtime blog followers know that I don't have a great track record of sketching sporting events (at least ones where the participants are predominantly human and not, say, equine). Certainly I've made some attempts (curling, the Olympics) but only sporadically, with varying success.
When M. and I found out that my alma mater was playing his in sprint football during Franklin Pierce University's 50th anniversary celebration in September, I jumped at the chance. At first I was disappointed that the game was being played at a high school in Ashburnham, Mass. (Pierce doesn't have a football field). But when we got there, school spirit seemed just as high, and we quickly got swept up in the action.

(Please ignore the fact that the huddle isn't quite parallel to the gridlines and that the players appear to be striking poses more suited to a music video than a football game. Artistic license, I say.)

Oh, and Penn won. :) Sorry, FP -- better luck next time!
When M. and I found out that my alma mater was playing his in sprint football during Franklin Pierce University's 50th anniversary celebration in September, I jumped at the chance. At first I was disappointed that the game was being played at a high school in Ashburnham, Mass. (Pierce doesn't have a football field). But when we got there, school spirit seemed just as high, and we quickly got swept up in the action.
(Please ignore the fact that the huddle isn't quite parallel to the gridlines and that the players appear to be striking poses more suited to a music video than a football game. Artistic license, I say.)
Oh, and Penn won. :) Sorry, FP -- better luck next time!