Local Color

Sunday, May 12, 2019

When we moved here four years ago, I told our real estate agent I wanted to live in a place where I could see palm trees, succulents, cacti — where I could look out the window and immediately know I was in California and not Connecticut. He delivered.

Last week was all about rediscovering the neighborhood in my sketchbook. Also, I wanted an excuse to try out some of the materials I got at the Plein Air Convention: a Princeton Aqua Elite travel brush and a Richeson Grey Matters travel brush, both synthetic size 8s. They both hold a good bit of water and come to a nice point, especially the Aqua Elite.

A few steps into the park behind our house, and I see views like these:

190505 Santa Teresa County Park 1

190505 Santa Teresa County Park 2

Here's one of the views from the swing in our backyard. I love how the side of the house glows in the evening light.

190505 View from backyard swing

And this, from our front yard.

190508 Heaton Moor

I've been going for quantity and discipline, as a I prep for Carmel Art Festival in just a few days!

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  1. Thanks for sharing your great sketches of the area around your home. Nicely done!

  2. Great work from the convention!!!
