Sledders at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Went on a drive to look for a snowy scene to sketch. Drove all over town before settling on Ward Pound Ridge Reservation in New York. There were lots of sledders on a big hill inside the park. It was a little hard to see from the parking lot, but it was warmer to sit in the car, so I tried my best to do what I could. It's not so easy to draw a snowy landscape in watercolor when the sky is completely overcast -- it's very hard to see any shadows at all. I even used white for what I hoped would be a gouache-y look, but no such luck. Had to pick out the details of the branches with a white colored pencil later.

(Winsor & Newton Artists watercolors in Cotman cold-pressed watercolor pad; details added in Berol Verithin white pencil.)

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  1. Water color is tough sometimes with a bright or even a dirty white. I should have some other examoples up on my site soon.
